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8U Mites

Regular 2023-2024
2023-2024 x Regular

Contact Russ Johnson to schedule with our High Blue/Mite White team. 

We have home ice every Saturday

Russ Johnson

Recent Mites News

16U & 18U merger

03/18/2024, 3:15pm EDT
By flrha


Come join the emerging and growing 16U and 18U teams in the Ithaca area. We together are offering both tournament bound and snowbelt level teams. 

Central NY Midget hockey (16U and 18U) merger:

For the 2024-25 season, IYHA Ithaca Youth Hockey Association (IYHA) and Finger Lakes Regional Hockey Association - Central Outlaws (FLRHA) will collaborate to offer 16u and 18u players a competitive but flexible option for 16U and 18U hockey. This coming season players will have multiple options through two separate associations working together to create a full
season hockey experience, without conflicts.

Players for the first time will be able to register for split season tournament bound, high school and snowbelt hockey, all at the same time through programs working with one another.

Option 1
16U and 18U Split Season Travel Teams:
- 16u Central Outlaws Tier 3 Tournament Bound
- 18u Central Outlaws Tier 3 Tournament Bound
- 3 practices per week, 20 games and 1 Tournament
- August 15,2024 – November 10,2014
- $580.00, paid to Finger lakes Regional Hockey
- If team Qualifies, State Tournament March 23,24,25
- Tryouts April 13 &14 at Community Recreational Center 10:15-11:15 ($50.00)

Option 2
- Players can choose to play for their local high school teams Nov. 9,2024-March 9,2025

Option 3
- Register with IYHA 16U/18U Snowbelt team for Winter Season
- 16u winter snowbelt 2 practices per week, 20 games, 2 Tournaments
- 18u winter snowbelt 2 practices per week, 20 games, 2 Tournaments
- November 15, 2024- March 9,2025 – $1,195.00 paid to IYHA
- $100 discount for playing Split-Season as well, $1,095 for Option 1 and 3

IYHA and Central Outlaws are working together to create a non-conflicting 16U and 18U program that allows players the ability to maximize ice time and place players within proper age divisions.
We as the associations DO NOT support kids of age 15 being required to play on 18u teams, however because of lower numbers this is usually the case. By working together and offering players in the Ithaca, Cortland, Elmira, Binghamton (and any other surrounding area) hockey under a non-conflicting registration process, we will create competitive and strong populated rosters of both 16u and 18u. Players will be able to register, practice and play through two separate organizations, and their local high school teams during the same season. The philosophy is simple:
Register for Central Outlaws $580.00 August 15- November 10 three practices per week plus games and tournaments qualify for NYS Hockey finals in March. And/or Register for IYHA $1,195.00 November 10th -March 10th two practices per week plus games and snowbelt Jams.

Play high school hockey November 10th – March 9 for your local school.

In conclusion, players are permitted to play for three separate programs within the same season and be placed on Tournament bound and snowbelt teams while also playing NYS public school hockey. We the associations believe kids participating on local hockey teams while playing high school hockey only enhances players ability by maximizing ice time. We encourage kids
to register for all three platforms and by working with each other can produce the quantity and quality of appropriate age rosters.

Central Outlaws - $580.00, covers Split-Season team(s)
IYHA - $1,195.00 for Snowbelt, $100 discount for also registering with Central Outlaws
Split-Season, $1095.00
High School - $0

$1560.00 players will receive 100 practices, 40 games 3 tournaments (including Snowbelt Jams) NYS state finals and high school hockey

24-25 Team Announcements (10U & 12U)

03/12/2024, 4:00pm EDT
By flrha

10U Squirts - Looking for 3 forwards & 1 Defense
12U Tournament Bound
12U Independent - Looking for 3 forwards & 1 Defense

Congratulations to all Outlaws. There are currently 3 forward and 1 defense positon open on the 10U and 12U independent team. Dual roster for the PW team will be determined in the Fall. Please reach out to

Oliver Schreiber Brady Kondikoff Mason Bryant
Alex Oshetski Brock Layaw Cal Hansen
Max Hanrath Brody Bennett Carson Vieselmeyer
Bryan Resavage Brooks Moore Cora Hayes
Liam Immerman Camden Rickard Declan Harris
Luke Booth Declan Downs Jay Woods
Amelia Jahnki Dyson Downs Julian Petri
Hudson Davenport Hunter Opera Kate Brand
Matthew Michalko Jacob Canestaro Kolten Marmor
Dylan Hayes Kevin Hu Landon White
Jackson Woods Kyle Totman Lexi Sheehan
Chance Paskins Maksym Vatamaniuk Lilly Price
  Sanghun (Dan) Han Macy Phillips
  Sophia Templier Vivienne Camel
    Westin Divell


03/04/2024, 8:15pm EST

12U took part in the NY State Championships this past weekend and brought home the cup!

Congratulation to all our 12U players, coaches and families.

14U takes part in their state tournmant the weekend of March 22-24th.